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Investigation - Macky Auditorium |
Investigation - Vance Brand Civic Auditorium, Longmont |
Investigation - Longmont City Facility |
Investigation: McClelland School, 2008 |
Investigation: Pueblo Hose Company Three |
Investigation - O.L.I. |
Investigation: The Pioneer Museum, Colorado Springs, CO |
Investigation: The Hotel Boulderado, Boulder, CO |
Investigation: The "Hammer House" |
Investigation: Anonymous hair salon in Longmont, CO |
Investigation: The McClelland School, Pueblo (2007) |
Investigation: Victorian Theater, Denver, CO |
Media: "Something going on" |
Media: "Boo ya gonna call?" |
Links |
Interview with Mary Roach |
Interview with Mike Hallowell |
Interview with Dr. Ciaran O'Keeffe |
The Longmont Theater |
Colorado Paranormal Investigations
CPR cover sNorthern Colorado primarily, but travel further afield when their case load requires it. They are a reputable
team of scientifically-minded individuals, and BCP wholeheartedly endorse their work.
TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Research Society)
TAPS gained visibility with the excellent TV show "Ghost Hunters" and cover much of the continental US.
They operate a nationwide "TAPS family" of recommended research teams and will refer you to a reputable team in your region.
Doctor Ciaran O'Keeffe is one of the few academically-certified parapsychologists operating today. Visit
him at
The Colorado Ghost Conference
BCP Director Richard Estep will be lecturing on the subject of commonly mistaken "paranormal phenomena".