Gauss Master Basic EMF meter
Relatively cheap and easy to use, this piece of equipment checks baseline EMF readings when we investigate a location.
It operates in the 0 to 10 mG range.

Natural Electromagnetic Meter
This unit, currently the most expensive EMF meter in the BCP gear locker, measures DC electromagnetic fields only. DC
fields only occur in nature, so anomalous readings detected with it are not coming from natural sources. It can be tricky
to use, because it's easy to misinterpret the earth's natural electromagnetic field as a false positive reading. The natural
EMF meter is extremely sensitive and has to be operated with great care.

Geiger Counter
Although it might be considered overkill, we at Boulder County Paranormal believe in gathering as much objective scientific
data as possible when investigating a case. This device allows us to monitor levels of Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and X-ray particles
at an allegedly location.
